Autograph Scores

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D 536 Der Schiffer (op. 21,2)

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RISM-ID no.: 464001699
Title: Der Schiffer
Alternative title: Im Winde, im Sturme befahr ich den Fluss
Title of the autograph: Schubert | Der Schiffer | op. 21, No. 2 | Autographe Singstimme
Text incipit: Die Wellen sie jagen das schwankende Schiff
Persons involved: Mayrhofer, Johann Baptist (1787–1836) (Text author)
Sonnleithner, Leopold ( 1797-1873 ) (writer (partly))
investigated date: [1817 ?]
Neue Schubert-Ausgabe (vol. no.): IV/1b

Kind of issue: vocal part(s)
Type of document: partial autograph
Genre: lieder --> german lieder (without lieder cycles and canons)
Instrumentation: vocal solo
Text language: deutsch

Material for writing down: ink blackish
Paper for writing onto: paper brownish
Height and width (in cm): 31 x 24,5
Format: landscape 4°
Pages: 2
Comment: P. 1 includes verse 2 and 4 (autograph except the last words of verse 4). Sonnleithner wrote down the words of verse 1 and 3 on page 2.
For a detailled manuscript description s. critical commentary of the Neue Schubert-Ausgabe.

Collection: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Link zum Katalog)
Previous owner: Stargardt, J. A.

Digital Reproduction Schubert-Online only mediates between researchers and libraries. If you would like to order digital reproductions, please contact the respective collection:
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz,